Photographs of Japan by George Butler, March-September 1951
撮影者 ジョージ・バトラー(明治44~昭和49年)
The book 1951 Reborn was released in Japan on October 1, 2019. The book contains 70 articles written by Ishinomaki historian Seiji Henmi about photographs taken by the American doctor George Butler in 1951 in Miyagi Prefecture. The book was published by Sanriku Kahoku Shimpo Publishing Co. of Ishinomaki and is available in bookstores in Ishinomaki as well as Sendai. It is now available for purchase online in Japan at Ishinomaki Genki Shoten
Unfortunately, the book cannot be shipped outside of Japan. See below if you are interested in purchasing a copy.
Click on this link to see more about 1951 Reborn
写真集「よみがえる1951/1951 Reborn」は2019年10月1日に三陸河北新報社(石巻市)より発行されました。石巻在住の郷土史家辺見清二による70編の記事と、アメリカ人医師のジョージ・バトラーが1951年に宮城県で撮影した写真を収めています。石巻と仙台の主要な書店で取り扱っているほか、石巻元気商店のウェブサイト(
Sales Outside of Japan: I am trying to determine if there is enough demand to sell 1951 Reborn through Amazon. Cost would be about $25 USD plus shipping & tax to cover book costs and fulfillment services. If you are interested please email me: